My name is Irith Rita Mashiah.
I believe I have loved handmade jewelry since I was a little girl. On my mother's birthdays, my father would open a beautiful box for her and in it was a beautiful handmade necklace ,brooch or ring, handcrafted by silver and goldsmith artists who skillfully created amazing art jewelry pieces made of precious metals. Most of the jewelry had interesting lovely stones that helped to emphasize the beauty of the designed metals.
Only many years later in 1994, I decided to learn how to create jewelry of my own. I went to evening classes at the Wizo Haifa Academy of Design in Haifa, the city in Israel where I live. I realized then, that creativity and bringing to life the jewelry ideas I had, have made my life much happier.
I also joined classes by some of the best jewelry teachers in Israel who taught me many new techniques of precious metals jewelry making.
Shortly after I began my studies in Wizo, I began to design and create handmade jewelry from silver gold and stones by myself at my kitchen table at home.
Today I still work from home, but I have a proper workshop where I love to spend my time.
My artisan handmade jewelry is created when I follow an idea that suddenly pops in my mind. It can be a beautiful flower that inspires me, or a stone that I buy after I feel and know it would look good in a design of mine. I like my jewelry to be three-dimensional or sculptured. I also combine my jewelry with semi-precious stones, ancient coins, interesting pieces of ancient Roman glass and even beach glass.
What I mainly keep in mind is that jewelry should give people a feeling they look beautiful and special. Sometimes just a row of pearls can do the job, but on other occasions my jewelry adds a desirable effect.